Thursday, October 22, 2009

Behaviors...get a leg up

My first advice is that an FBA be completed by a board certified behavior analyst, doesn't matter really if it's BCABA or BCBA. The reason for the specifics of the request is due to the complexities of his/her (your PWS child's) concerns. The assessment appears to warrant the expertise of a credentialed professional. You need to ask for the section that states who will perform the assessment to be changed from district behavior specialist to district behavior analyst.

See where you get with that request-

One of two things will happen....there may be a statement something like there is not district behavior analyst and that would open up a can of whoop a _ _ bigger than even I could imagine. The other response be that there is no school based need for that as her behaviors in school are not that severe.

You might consider giving permission for the district to conduct an FBA and then pending the results, decide if you want to request an independent FBA if you don’t think the outcomes are adequate.

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